Fakultas Bahasa di Universitas Widya Kartika dibagi menjadi program studi Sastra Inggris (S1), serta Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin (S1) yang bekerjasama dengan berbagai universitas di China. Fasilitas yang Modern dan membangun jiwa entrepreneurship adalah salah satu ciri khas dari pengajaran kami.


Seiring dengan era globalisasi dan perkembangan perdagangan kawasan ASIA, serta memenuhi kebutuhan komunikasi China-Indonesia dalam bisnis, teknologi dan pendidikan, Indonesia membutuhkan orang berbakat yang dapat menguasai Bahasa Mandarin. Sesuai dengan kebutuhan tersebut, pada tahun 2001 Universitas Widya Kartika membentuk Program Studi Bahasa Mandarin dengan tujuan untuk melatih orang-orang berbakat menjadi individu yang kompetitif di dunia yang dinamis ini.

Program studi bahasa Mandarin didirikan pada tahun 2001. Pendirian program studi ini tidak terlepas dari kesadaran universitas akan pentingnya penguasaan bahasa Mandarin untuk meningkatkan daya saing bangsa. Bahasa Mandarin merupakan bahasa yang saat ini telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu dari enam bahasa resmi PBB. Bahasa Mandarin juga termasuk kedalam bahasa yang memiliki penutur native terbesar di dunia. Selain itu, majunya perekonomian dan industri Cina serta besarnya jumlah penduduk yang hampir mencapai lebih dari 1 miliar jiwa memberikan kontribusi pada perkembangan ekonomi internasional. Kenyataan tersebut membuat Bahasa Mandarin kini menjadi bahasa yang sangat penting dikuasai selain Bahasa Inggris.

Menjadi Program Studi unggulan dalam bidang Kependidikan dan non kependidikan bahasa Tionghoa

Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan kompetitif.
Menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas, berdaya saing tinggi dan berjiwa entrepreneur serta mandiri dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang kependidikan dan non kependidikan bahasa Tionghoa

Kurikulum program studi bahasa Mandarin terdiri dari mata kuliah wajib, mata kuliah pendukung dan mata kuliah konsentrasi dengan beban studi minimal 4 tahun dengan kurikulum 8 semester. Kurikulum disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki latar belakang penguasaan bahasa Mandarin sama sekali. Pada tiga semester awal mahasiswa dibekali dengan penguasaan bahasa Mandarin tingkat Dasar. Semester berikutnya mahasiswa dibekali dengan penguasaan bahasa Mandarin tingkat Menengah. Selain itu mahasiswa juga dibekali dengan penguasaan budaya dan kesenian Tiongkok seperti kaligrafi, musik, tari dll. Selain itu, kurikulum didukung dengan perkuliahan yang variatif dengan tenaga pengajar profesional, berpengalaman. Mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan on the job training di perusahaan atau institusi yang membutuhkan keahlian Bahasa Mandarin sesuai dengan penjurusan yang dipilih, yakni bisnis dan pengajaran.

Kompetensi Lulusan
Lulusan program studi bahasa Mandarin siap berkarir di bidang pendidikan, pariwisata & perhotelan, dan di instansi pemerintah maupun instansi atau perusahaan-perusahaan yangmempunyai hubungan bisnis dengan negara-negara di kawasan ASIA.

Lama Studi : 4 Tahun.


When we first thought of opening an English Department, we do not want to have an ordinary English Department. We want an English Department which accommodates the recent trends in today’s information era and provides students with solid skills as their career foundations at the same time. From a thorough observation and delicate planning, the UED decided to focus on English in relations with entrepreneurship.

As the result, UED academic program is delicately designed to help students to have both excellent English skills and solid entrepreneurship mindset. It offers the total of 64 courses and 144 credits. This program is designed to be completed in 4 years or less*. To better accommodates current trends and develops solid skills, the UED divided the program into two groups: the Main Program and the Concentration Program. The Main Program consists of 126 credits in total while the Concentration Program consists of 18 credits in total. To further support students’ understanding and learning process, UED also offers non-curricular programs in the course group of Enrichment Program.
*consult your academic advisor

UWIKA English Department (henceforth, UED) aims to create a dynamic learning environment for students to have a high English skill with entrepreneurship mindset. In other words, students will learn English and how to put it into use by using entrepreneurs’ mindset.

UED is supported by highly qualified lecturers with rich teaching experiences. All of them are experts in their own respective fields, such as English teaching, literatures, translations, tourism, business and entrepreneurship.

UED welcomes students from any background, religious views, and places. UED regards diversity as one of its best assets. This makes UED a convenient place for students to learn and study. The dynamic aspect of UED will offer students choices of activities to develop their skills, mental, and knowledge.

Our main program consists of Basic Subjects, Core Subjects, Entrepreneurship Subjects and Research Subjects.

Basic Subjects
This course group consists of 17 credits in total. The aim of this course group is giving a solid foundation for students to succeed in their study and thus help them to compete in professional work field.

Here, students will learn to shape their mind through courses of Ethics, Interpersonal Communication and Leadership. Students will enhance their proficiency and familiarity with information technology through IT Overview course (internally certified). Students will also have a chance to get an internationally recognized MS Office Certificate* after passing this course. This course group also covers compulsories such as Religion, Citizenship and Bahasa Indonesia.
*terms and conditions applied

Core Subjects
This course group consists of 97 credits in total. The aim of this course group is mainly building students’ English proficiency and enhance their understandings regarding the language they are learning.
Here, students will learn to enhance their English proficiency through Integrated Course and English skills courses, such as reading, speaking, listening, writing and grammar. Emphasizing on students’ actual skills, these courses focus more on learning by doing, putting theories into direct practice.

Students will also enhance their English language understandings through literary works in Letters Courses and scientific aspect of English through Linguistics. Students will also learn to see English from native speakers’ eyes through Culture courses.

Entrepreneurship Subjects
This course group consists of 12 credits in total. The aim of this course group is giving a solid foundation for students’ entrepreneurship mindset.
Here, students will learn the basics of entrepreneurship through courses such as Introduction to Business, Introduction to Management, Organizational Behavior, Basics of Finance, Principles of Marketing and Business Administration.

Research Subjects
This course group consists of 13 credits in total. The aim of this course group is building students’ basic mindset for problem solving and academic foundation. Here, students will learn the basics of research through courses such as Statistics for Business, Research Methodology, Seminar on Thesis Proposal and Thesis.

After the third semester, students will be offered to choose one of the following concentration programs. UED offers 3 concentration programs; Business English, English Teaching and Tourism. Before choosing, students are required to attend Language Business Overview.

Concentration Program

  1. Business English
    18 credits in total, this concentration focuses on direct use of English in business. Among them are English in Business, Finance Management, Office Management, Human Resource Management, Export-Import, Project Management, Marketing Plan and Entrepreneurship Project.
  2. English Teaching
    18 credits in total, this concentration focuses on direct use of English in teaching. Among them are Language Learning and Acquisition, Education Psychology, Language Teaching Methodology, Curriculum and Material Development, English for Specific Purposes, Learning and Teaching Evaluation, Strategic Teaching, Teaching Practice.
  3. Tourism
    18 credits in total, this concentration focuses on direct use of English in tourism. Among them are Introduction to Tourism, Tourism Scope, Tour Guiding, Tours and Travel, Hospitality, Tourism Business Management, MICE Management, Tourism Project.